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The Peoplehood Toolkit is brought to you with thanks to:
We are grateful to the numerous individuals and organizations that have contributed, in manifold ways, to the creation of this Toolkit.
We are grateful to the Commission on the Jewish People at the UJA Federation of New York for their ongoing partnership and commitment to Jewish Peoplehood, and for working with us to conceptualize and build this Toolkit.

Advisory Board
Smadar Bar Akiva
Dr. Beth Cousens
Dr. Elan Ezrachi
Clare Goldwater
Dr. Lisa Grant, Hebrew Union College
Dr. Ezra Kopelowitz
Dr. Shlomi Ravid
Shuki Taylor, M²
Special Thanks
The Toolkit was conceptualized and created by Dr. Shlomi Ravid and Clare Goldwater, with contributions from the following people:
Dr Elan Ezrachi
Steve Israel
Tal Gale
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