When the Jewish People and Israel Conflict

The word “Israel” has multiple meanings and associations. The author discusses the intentional ambiguity of three terms associated with Israel – am (people), eretz (land), and le’om (nation) – signifying a rootedness in a particular geographic locale and the aspiration that all Jews are part of the Jewish collective regardless of where they live. She…

Peoplehood’s Overlooked Origins as a Critique of Zionism and Nationalism

One of the underlying issues in today's conversations about the meaning of "peoplehood" is situating the term's relationship with historical expressions of Zionism. There is a lot at stake in establishing precisely where the concept falls on the spectrum between nationalism's inclination to place the state at the center of collective cohesion and a more…

Ahad Ha'Am At Last

The author argues that the new era of Israel-Diaspora relations isn’t a rejection of classical Zionism, but rather, it is the acceptance of the classical Zionist model propounded by the “cultural Zionist,” Ahad Ha’Am. He argues that Ha'Am's notion is uniquely suited for the today’s generation of college-age Jews, the Millennials, who are the focus…

Educating about Israel and Jewish Peoplehood: Murmurings about a Field in Formation

The author argues that Zionist and Israel education are in tension with Jewish Peoplehood education. The former stresses the significance of place, the latter, the virtues of space. One narrows yet focuses options for identification; the other broadens yet dilutes options for belonging. In making sense of the the complexity of Israel and peoplehood education,…

Reflections on Israel, Peoplehood, and a New Jewish World

At the ninth annual Herzliya Conference in February 2009, the concept of "Jewish peoplehood" emerged as an important concept, and the author discusses some of the proposed definitions of the concept and arguments raised by Jewish scholars and thinkers in previous volumes of the Peoplehood Papers. While many questions about the concept still remain, the…

Institutionalizing Peoplehood?

 The author argues that the Jewish community is facing an evident paradigm shift that stems from a need voiced by younger people through the Jewish world to create a different and more appropriate paradigm that meets the external challenges facing our global society, the existing trends within North American Jewry, and the desire among Israeli…

Capitalizing on Jewish Vision and Venture: The Role of Israel in an Age of Individualism

Despite frequent dismal reports that young people today identify less and less with Israel, the author explains that those who do come and spend time in the country are affected by their stay. Based on this information, the author argues that the State of Israel can continue to play a powerful role because it is…

Israel at the “Center”? An Impossible Dream in a 21st Century Network

The author discusses the question of Israel's centrality within the Jewish people through the lens of recent business management literature on globalization and innovation within globalized organizations and firms. She argues that these concepts reflect new paradigms that characterize the reality of the 21st century, those which do not allow for "centrality," and which she…

Jerusalem as a Metaphor for Jewish Peoplehood

 The author argues that as the Jewish people work towards conceptualizing the term "Jewish peoplehood," they will need to determine the role of Jerusalem as a metaphor for Jewish unity and diversity. Just like Izhak Ben-Zvi gathers Jews from all corners of the world to solidify the message of Israeli Jewish unity, Ezrachi argues that…