Peoplehood Papers 17: Engaging Millennials with Jewish Peoplehood

In this edition of the Peoplehood Papers we decided to explore the relations between millennials and Peoplehood through the practical lens of the Peoplehood nurturing work in that age group. We engaged three groups of stake holders in this conversation: senior professionals of organizations focusing on millennials, educators and millennials themselves. Some key questions we asked were: • What are…

Peoplehood Papers 16: Developing Teen Leadership with a Peoplehood Orientation

In the period of change and transition that we experience today the role of the leadership in envisioning, planning and building the Jewish collective future is crucial. For that reason we decided to dedicate a series of Peoplehood Papers issues to the topic of nurturing Jewish leadership with a Peoplehood orientation – What does it take…

דפי עמיות 16: פיתוח מנהיגות צעירה באוריינטציית עמיות

Peoplehood16Heb finalהעם היהודי חי היום בעידן של שינוי ומעבר. תפקידה של ההנהגה בתקופה כזאת ביצירת חזון ותכנון ובניית עתידו של הקולקטיב היהודי, הינו תפקיד מכריע. מסיבה זו, בחרנו להקדיש סדרה של גיליונות של דפי עמיות לנושא של טיפוח מנהיגות יהודית באוריינטציית עמיות – איך עושים זאת והיכן מתחילים? ננסה לבחון את האתגרים הייחודיים של פיתוח מנהיגות קולקטיבית ואת האופן…

Peoplehood Papers 14: Sustainability and Jewish Peoplehood

This collection of 16 essays on the topic of sustainability and its connection to Jewish Peoplehood is a partnership between the CJPE and Siach. With shmita as the framework, authors from different disciplines consider what sustainability means for the Jewish People in the 21st Century. Some take an activist stance and call on us to…

PEOPLEHOOD PAPERS IN HEBREW – מהדורה עברית של דפי העמיות

זוהי אסופה של 18 מאמרים המתמודדים עם שאלות היסוד של התחום: “מה משמעותה של העמיות היהודית? מה חשיבותה? כיצד יש לטפח אותה?” באופן לא מתוכנן התפתח באסופה זאת שיח בין דורי בסוגית העמיות. מעניין לציין שככל שהכותבים צעירים יותר הדגש עובר יותר מתוכן העמיות לטבע הקשרים המתחייבים ממנה. בעוד שאצל הכותבים הוותיקים מילות המפתח הן: ערכים,…

Peoplehood Papers 13: What does Peoplehood mean? Why is it important? How do we nurture it?

In this collection, 20 short articles grapple with the following questions: “What does Peoplehood mean? Why is it important? How do we nurture it?” It is interesting to note that the younger the age of the contributors the stronger the shift from the content of Peoplehood to the nature of the relations it entails. While…

Peoplehood Papers 12: For Whom Are We Responsible? Peoplehood in the 21st Century

This (12th) volume of the Peoplehood Papers "grapples with the tension between sustaining the Jewish People and contributing to Universal goals. Finding new ways of contributing to the world has become part of the search for a new meaning for being Jewish. The Jewish people are seeking meaningful answers to the question, "why Jewish" or…

Peoplehood Papers 11: Jewish Peoplehood in Practice – Shifting from the What to the How

When the challenges of Jewish Peoplehood emerged in the Jewish world, most efforts went into trying to understand the meaning and significance of Jewish Peoplehood in the present. Some lead questions included: what does peoplehood mean today? Why is it important? How do we define it? Later, Jewish organizations and leaders asked: How do we…

Peoplehood Papers 10: Peoplehood in the Age of Pluralism – How Do We Embrace Pluralism While Keeping Us Whole?

This (10th) volume of the Peoplehood Papers sets out "to explore the potential for developing some kind of synthesis between Jewish Peoplehood and Pluralism." Today, Jews differ on core Jewish issues, and thus, sustaining a sense of commonality is increasingly complex. The articles in this issue are written by practitioners who were asked to offer…